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 What we can do for you 


Shapefiles for Applications / File Conversions

Alberta OneStop Applications

Alberta ABWRET Shapefiles

Alberta DRAS Files

Alberta LAT Files

Conversions to Google Earth (KML)


Environmental Alignment Sheets

Alignment sheets for small projects

Wall Maps and Posters

Oversize maps and posters for open houses or general planning. Plotting services also available for up to 44" wide by over 100" long.

ArcGIS Field Maps/ Survey 123 Set-up

Field data setup (GPX/Avenza)

Data Analysis: Area calculations, proximity analysis, and spatial modelling



Maps and Figures

Report Figures for Environmental Applications, Permit Applications, etc.


Data Management

Management of your data with publishing to ArcGIS online so you can see your own data and edit it.

Contact us for more information! Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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